Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Meal!

We got the go ahead from the allergist today to start feeding you some real food. You have become so interested in whatever we are eating. You are constantly grabbing my plate when I am eating and are always wanting my water bottle. So the kids and I decided to give it a try feeding you some oatmeal tonight and you loved it! I remember feeding Brooklyn and Brigham for the first time and they just cried and spit it out, but you were really into it. You were grabbing the spoon and pulling it to your mouth. I was amazed that you knew exactly what to do. You had trouble swallowing it so most of it ended up on you, but that will come with a little practice. I was just happy that you were interested in the oatmeal. Hopefully this will help your reflux some and help you sleep through the night a little better. I would be ecstatic to get a full night sleep again :).

Brigham didn't like that you had to eat the oatmeal. He didn't think it looked very good so he was trying to break his chicken nuggets apart to feed you instead. He knew that you would like that better and couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him feed it to you. I guess he doesn't quite get that you don't have any teeth yet to chew the chicken. He is a good big brother to you and is always looking out for you :).

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