Sunday, March 21, 2010


So this was a first for me. You had an absolute EXPLOSION at church today. I am talking serious, up-the-back, down-the-leg type of explosion. I was somewhat at a loss of what to do when you are at church and your clothes are covered in poop. So we headed out of the bathroom with just a diaper on since I took out the extra outfit from the diaper bag just before church. Those in the hallway thought that it was pretty funny that you didn't have clothes on, but hey at least you are still so little and cute. On top of all of that, I was supposed to be substituting for Brigham's sunbeam class so I handed the book to someone sitting on the couch and asked them to sub as we headed out the door for home. Hopefully this will be a one-timer.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Meal!

We got the go ahead from the allergist today to start feeding you some real food. You have become so interested in whatever we are eating. You are constantly grabbing my plate when I am eating and are always wanting my water bottle. So the kids and I decided to give it a try feeding you some oatmeal tonight and you loved it! I remember feeding Brooklyn and Brigham for the first time and they just cried and spit it out, but you were really into it. You were grabbing the spoon and pulling it to your mouth. I was amazed that you knew exactly what to do. You had trouble swallowing it so most of it ended up on you, but that will come with a little practice. I was just happy that you were interested in the oatmeal. Hopefully this will help your reflux some and help you sleep through the night a little better. I would be ecstatic to get a full night sleep again :).

Brigham didn't like that you had to eat the oatmeal. He didn't think it looked very good so he was trying to break his chicken nuggets apart to feed you instead. He knew that you would like that better and couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him feed it to you. I guess he doesn't quite get that you don't have any teeth yet to chew the chicken. He is a good big brother to you and is always looking out for you :).

Allergy Update

Well, I took you back to the allergist today and we got some great allergies or immune disorders. Yeah! He really thinks that all of your problems stem from your reflux so we will see what we can do to get that cleared up. You are scheduled for tests in a few weeks so we should know more after that.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

5 months

It is amazing to me how fast time goes by. I mean you are already 5 months old. Where did the time go? Talmage, you are such a sweet boy and I just can't get enough cuddles from you and apparently you can't either because you never want down. You are by far my cuddliest baby. It can be frustrating some days since I never get anything done, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You have helped me to realize the important things in life.

Another thing that I just cannot get enough of is your smile. I love your smile! It is definitely contagious and makes everyone around you smile no matter what once they get one look at you. Now if I could just get you to smile for the camera that would be great. Little stinker :).

Your favorite things to do are being held, of course, but when I do put you down for a few minutes you have really started to enjoy playing in your toy saucer. You jump up and down and hit the toys and smile. You also learned to sit up this past month which is so surprising to me. You just don't seem old enough to be sitting by yourself for 5-10 minutes. After a while you get tired and topple over which is cute as well. And then you sit and grab your feet and, as Brooklyn always says, you like to talk to your feet which never gets old to you. And don't let me forget you are absolutely in love with your brother and sister. You get so excited to see them and smile from ear to ear when they talk to you. You melt all of our hearts for sure.

I am absolutely loving this age and watching you learn about the world. I love you, Talmage!


4 month stats:
height--23 1/4 inches (10th percentile)
weight--13 lbs 12 oz (20th percentile)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CF Update

Well we got the results back for the Cystic Fibrosis testing and all is well, which is a huge relief. Now to figure out what else is causing you to be sick all the time. I am very hopeful that you will continue to feel better and outgrow the reflux and everything else. I love you Talmage!